META | Principles and Practice of Biomedical Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
Principi e pratica delle revisioni sistematiche e meta analisi in ambito biomedico
Second Level Master
Language: Italian
Director: Prof.ssa Ileana Baldi – University of Padova
Deputy Director: Prof. Annibale Biggeri – University of Padova
Objectives: The aim of the master is to provide the tools to design, conduct and analyze a systematic review for evidence-based healthcare questions, with a view to methodological and computational reproducibility. Particular attention is given to the application aspects of meta-analysis, from basic methods to multilevel, multivariate and Bayesian networks, and the automation of review and updating processes. Basic and advanced methods will be covered using R software.
The Master is delivered in online and on demand mode to give learners the opportunity to use it in the times most convenient for them. Its duration is annual. The Master’s course is developed in 5 modules. Each module is divided into 4 weeks of lessons. Classic themes of systematic review methodology are addressed alongside innovative applications of text mining and machine learning. The meta-analysis is treated giving ample space to the application aspects, from the basic methods to the multilevel, multivariate models and the meta-analysis network. You use the R software. The graduation of the quality of empirical evidence is introduced keeping in mind the principles of ethics of quantification and the particularities of real world evidence. Reproducibility is tackled following its taxonomy, from technical reproducibility to methodological and scientific reproducibility. Literate programming is covered in R Markdown and with application examples.
The Master can also be followed by people who work full-time because it is delivered in “on demand” mode through a multimedia platform. Frequent and easy interaction between students and faculty is expected through Moodle Platform Forum. A Project Work is planned for the discussion of the final exam, also on cases of specific interest of the student. Health personnel are exempted from the obligation of the E.C.M. The course is mainly aimed at graduates in medical, biological, pharmacological, mathematical, statistical sciences.
The master identifies in professionals who already work or who intend to work in the biomedical field, the ideal candidates to guide in the realization of solid and reproducible systematic reviews. The master aims to enrich students with application skills of increasing relevance for all declinations of medical practice and research and aims to train professionals with high ability to plan, conduct and analyze systematic reviews. The knowledge acquired in the master is relevant for the further specialization of already employed health professionals and for the definition of technical-quantitative profiles that will operate in the health sector, in biomedical research and in CROs.
More information, deadline and submission on: Avvisi di selezione | Università di Padova (
More details and enrolled: META – Principi e pratica delle revisioni sistematiche e meta-analisi in ambito biomedico | Unipd Executive Learning