Nursing Research Laboratory – NuRe

The Nursing Research Laboratory is the reference point in UBEP for nursing studies.

UBEP believes that nursing research is the key to unlocking the potential of nursing by harnessing its strengths and the unique knowledge and perspectives inherent in the discipline for the benefit of all people by aiming to evaluate new nursing practises for various clients to improve the treatment of patients’ health problems. Some research strands include monitoring functional recovery and physical activity of patients after surgery and in the elderly, wound care, and palliative care. These clinical nursing research projects are conducted in collaboration with the University Hospital of Padova, Azienda ULSS 6 Euganea, the University of Ferrara, and the University of Turin. Studies focus on improving the quality of client care through a strong knowledge base that helps transfer the results to practise.

Coordinator: Dr. Matteo Martinato – University of Padova

Via L. Loredan 18 – 35131 Padova – e-mail: