ML | Machine Learning and Big Data in precision medicine and clinical research

Machine learning and big data nella medicina di precisione e ricerca clinica

Second Level Master

Language: Italian

Director: Prof.ssa Ileana Baldi – University of Padova
Deputy Director: Prof.ssa Barbara Di Camillo – University of Padova

Objectives: The training project is aimed at learning how to use advanced data analysis methodologies from Machine Learning to Data Mining to Predictive Analytics in clinical settings. These techniques are the methodological tool at the base of person-centered clinical research and personalized medicine. These issues are important not only for the public sector, where there is a need to optimize treatment pathways, but also for the pharmaceutical industry and CROs (Contract Research Organizations) that need to develop, on these issues, internal skills or acquire staff already trained on them. The Master wants to fill this gap by facilitating a statistical preparation closer to the needs of companies and new emerging methods. A case study is presented for each Machine Learning technique. The course uses R.

Presentation Video:

More information, deadline and submission on: Avvisi di selezione | Università di Padova (

More details and enrolled: ML – Machine learning e big data nella medicina di precisione e nella ricerca biomedica | Unipd Executive Learning

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