OMICS | Omics Data Analysis

Analisi Dati Omici

Second Level Master

Language: Italian

Director: Prof. Davide Risso – University of Padova
Deputy Director: Prof. Luca Vedovelli – University of Padova

Objectives: The training project is aimed at learning and using statistical and computational techniques for the analysis of “omics” data. By omics data, we mean data from experiments in genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, metagenomics, metabolomics, and proteomics. The structure of the master’s program echoes this definition, providing a module for each type of data. These data are becoming ubiquitous not only in basic research but also in research and clinical practice. The topics of the master are therefore relevant for research centers, public and private, but also for hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry, which often collect large amounts of omics data and need properly trained staff for their analysis. In order to facilitate participation, the master is realized in a full distance learning format, using the technological model of the “virtual classroom”.

Presentation Video:

More information, deadline and submission on: Avvisi di selezione | Università di Padova (

More details and enrolled: OMICS – Analisi di dati omici | Unipd Executive Learning

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