RN | Research Nursing

First Level Master

Language: Italian

Director: Prof.ssa Cristina Canova – University of Padova
Deputy Director: Dr. Michael Mian – SABES

Objectives: The Master prepares the new professional figures in the health field defined clinical research nurse or study nurse, that is, the research nurse who carries out research activities in clinical contexts, focusing on the assistance to patients enrolled in experimental protocols. In this context, more than in others, the activity of a research nurse is carried out in close relation to various professional figures: physicians, clinical research coordinators, data managers, biologists, pharmacists, clinical monitors (Clinical Research Associate CRA) and contract research organizations (Clinical Research Organization CRO).

The Master proposes a distance learning offer that, through the use of multimedia and interactive tools, provides students with the theoretical and practical tools necessary for a modern and correct training in the conduct of a clinical trial. The Master is delivered online and on demand, in the sense that the video lessons are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to give learners the opportunity to use them in the times most convenient to them. The course will be managed through the Master Platform of the Department of Cardio-Thoraco-Vascular Sciences and Public Health (PM-DSCTVSP) and Moodle. Subscribers will be instructed in the use of the platforms. The course is structured in modules of about 4 weeks each. At the end of each module, learners are assigned a time to review the video lessons at the end of which a homework is assigned to be carried out always in asynchronous mode, to ascertain the skills acquired. The main topics of the course are: clinical research, study designs in clinical research, process of a clinical study, nursing care in clinical research, data management and analysis, clinical epidemiology.
At the end of the lessons, a Project Work is assigned, which can be defined according to the personal and professional interests of the learners, in agreement with the teachers and tutors. The work, to be prepared during the summer months, forms the basis of the diploma discussion that takes place in September, on Zoom platform.

The master provides the theoretical and practical tools necessary for a modern and correct training in the field of conducting a clinical trial, analyzing the ethical principles that inspire this method, the national legislation that regulates its conduct and the operational and managerial aspects.

Presentation Video:


More information, deadline and submission on: Avvisi di selezione | Università di Padova (unipd.it)

Info also on Azienda Sanitaria Alto Adige (website of our Partner SABES)

More details and enrolled: RN – Research nursing | Unipd Executive Learning

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