Systematic reviews and evidence medicine – LaSyReM
The laboratory is the reference in UBEP for scientific evidence in health care.
The laboratory provides methodological support for conducting systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and guidelines with a focus on quality assessment of studies. The fields of application of the reviews are diverse and range from clinical (e.g., surgical, cardiology), modeling (machine learning models for evaluating movement, accidents, etc.), wearable devices (e.g., physical activity assessment), and veterinary fields. The group supports in the development of evidence synthesis from question creation, definition of the search strategy and its implementation, through protocol writing and registration, study screening, data extraction, study quality assessment, and synthesis of both descriptive and quantitative results (using advanced meta-analysis techniques in frequentist and Bayesian frameworks). At all stages of the review, the group uses the most innovative tools in the field in order to be able to improve the quality of the review. In addition, all stages are carried out following international guidelines specific to the scope of evidence synthesis.
The Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health provides access to the Department’s staff and students to use the web-based software “Covidence.” This software streamlines the production of systematic reviews by supporting citation screening, full-text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study outcomes, and the export of data and bibliographic references. Learn more at:
Coordinator: Dr. Honoria Ocagli – University of Padova
Via L. Loredan 18 – 35131 Padova – e-mail: