Volunteers wanted for I.O. Bed / Cercasi volontari per I.O.Bed

I.O.BED project

WE researchers of the Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health University of Padua Department cardio Toraco Vascolare Epidemiology and Public Health

We are looking for volunteers for an innovative project that applies Machine Learning to a smart bed.
Dedicate about 25′ of your time to prevent accidents and falls for bedridden patients.

You will be able to test your body mass and your movements will be recorded by sensors in a smart-bed and by two smartwatches.

Below, please find more information on the study.

NOI ricercatori dell’ Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health Università di Padova Dipartimento Cardio Toraco Vascolare Epidemiologia e Sanità Pubblica

Stiamo cercando volontari per un progetto innovativo che applica il Machine Learning ad uno smart bed.

Dedica circa 25′ del tuo tempo per la prevenzione di incidenti e cadute per pazienti allettati.

Potrai testare la tua massa corporea e i tuoi movimenti verranno registrati da sensori in uno smart-bed  e da due smartwatch.

Qui in allegato potrai trovare l’informativa dello studio e il link per prenotarti.


Dove / WhereQuando e come / When and how
Via Leonardo Loredan, 18
35121 Padova (PD) — Italy https://goo.gl/maps/2W9m5H7pKdH6ebg17
Prenotati al seguente link: Please book your experience here: https://calendly.com/ubep/iobed

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