Training course: the Systematic Review in Veterinary Public Health
25 JULY 2022 | 10.00 – 17.30
26 JULY 2022 | 09.00 – 17.30
Aula Informatica c/o Università di Padova – Dipartimento di scienze del farmaco, Via Marzolo 5 – Edificio B (entrata in comune con Aula 7)

The training course is organized in collaboration with the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie. The object is to carry out activities of synthesis of the scientific literature (systematic review, scoping review, rapid review,…) in a One Health perspective exploiting the synergy between human and animal medicine mainly in the context of public health.
These bioinformatics research methods aim to exploit the scientific data already available in the scientific literature and in the gray literature to achieve high levels of scientific evidence suitable for the development of guidelines, the collection of data for the realization of risk assessment models, or for other mathematical elaborations, and for the definition of effective intervention strategies for the benefit of risk managers.
The collaboration also aims to identify and develop effective and efficient methods for speeding up this process through the support of innovative technologies based on text mining and machine learning techniques.
To download the program and find more information, click on the link: Programma systematic review.pdf (