Nursing, clinical research, and artificial intelligence in oncology and palliative care

Nursing, clinical research, and artificial intelligence in oncology and palliative care

Assistenza infermieristica, ricerca clinica e intelligenza artificiale in oncologia e cure palliative

First Level Master

Language: Italian

Director: Dott. Matteo Bernardi – Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova

Deputy Director: Prof. Cristina Canova – University of Padova

Objectives: The master course trains professionals to take global care of the person and to manage the user’s care and assistance paths and to support the multiprofessional and multidisciplinary team and the family both in the hospital and in the territory in the oncological field, gaving acquired knowledge, skill, and tecniques that allow quality specialist assistance to people affected by neoplastic diseases and their caregivers

More information, deadline and submission on Avvisi di ammissione ai corsi e graduatorie | Università di Padova (
More details and enrolled: NOPC – Assistenza infermieristica, ricerca clinica e intelligenza artificiale in oncologia e cure palliative | Unipd Executive Learning