Case management in surgery and integrated pathway management between territory and hospital: models, methodology, research and applications of artificial intelligence

Case management chirurgico e gestione dei percorsi integrati tra territorio ed ospedale: modelli, metodologia, ricerca e applicazioni dell’intelligenza artificiale

Case management in surgery and integrated pathway management between territory and hospital: models, methodology, research and applications of artificial intelligence

First Level Master

Language: Italian

Director: Prof. Marco Schiavon  – University of Padova

Deputy Director: Dott.ssa Flavia Masiero – Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova

Objectives: The master’s course trains professional case managers and care managers able to take charge of the person and the family as a whole, to manage the user’s care and
assistance paths and to support the multi-professional and multidisciplinary team and the family both in the hospital and in the territory

More information, deadline and submission on Avvisi di ammissione ai corsi e graduatorie | Università di Padova (
More details and enrolled: CMGP – Case management chirurgico e gestione dei percorsi integrati tra territorio ed ospedale | Unipd Executive Learning